Elephants have been walking around my camp for the last several hours. I was able to fell back asleep for a few hours. When I awoke I assumed they had moved on. Nope, they are just a few meters away. I can hear the rumble in their bellies. Luckily I live in a sturdy safari tent that is covered by a very well made thatched roof. All of the tent flaps are closed and I like to think that the thick canvas prevents the elephants from smelling me. I have to admit I am a bit nervous. In earlier posts I have mentioned that in the last three weeks my scouts have had to fire warning shots because the elephants came too close to our camp. Like any intelligent animal, I think elephants can learn quickly that the firing of a gun does not necessarily mean danger. On top of that they may begin to associate the smell of humans with these traumatic experiences.
I am a bit hungry and would love a cup of tea but I think I will stay where I am for a little while longer.
6:35 – I just returned to my tent after grabbing a mug, a tea bag and the thermos. I was able to briefly assess the damage. The elephants knocked down my rain gauge but the solar panel is still up. This is the first incidence of them destructing anything in camp. An elephant tossing my backpack in the air two weeks ago doesn’t technically count as it happened in the field.
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